A little while ago I received the message that primary mashupforum GYBO (Get Your Bootleg On) is closing due to pressure from copyright enforcing regulations.
GYBo was one of the first sites that dealt with mashups and more than one noteable mashup had it's origins on this board. But it was more than just a music site. A remarkable group of people from all over the world gathered here and shared their ideas, helped each other with their musical struggles and were discussing everything you could think about with an open mind and it hardly ever ended in shouting contests.
GYBO has been and will remain a special piece in my heart and it will be missed.
A heartfelt thank you for the good times provided.
On some other news.
Probably you have noticed I haven't been making mashups in quite a while.
The reason for this is that I had made a journey to Antarctica in February, on a sailing ship, the Bark Europa. I have finally finished editing and sorting out the thousands of photos and just opened a blog for this.
Here's the location: Antarctic blue
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